Monday, November 28, 2011

The Imaginary War on Christmas

It's that time of year again, when our facebook pages are awash in outrage over people not being "allowed" to say Merry Christmas.


Can we get real for a minute? Why do you think you aren't allowed to say Merry Christmas? You are totally "allowed" to say Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanzaa, Ashura, Bodhi Day, St Lucia Day or Boxing Day.

So why have so many big retailers left Christmas behind in favor of Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings? Because they like the money that non-Christians spend every bit as much as the Christian money, and those greetings are all-inclusive. Being told Happy Holidays or Season's Greetings doesn't rob you of your Christianity. If Christmas is the holiday that you celebrate at this time of year then consider yourself greeted. If you own a business it is certainly your right to wish your customers a Merry Christmas.

I'm not offended by a Christian holiday greeting because that would be a stupid thing to get offended over. I am offended at the cries of persecution, however. If you want to be persecuted for your faith (and apparently this is something that has appeal) then I suggest spending December in Iran, where saying Merry Christmas could very well get you killed.

Having to endure seeing Happy Holidays on Walmart ads is not persecution.

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