Friday, April 20, 2012

The Parade of Gods

What do Perseus, Buddha, Huitzilopochtli, Attis, Genghis Khan, Horus, Mercury, Romulus, and Jesus have in common?

I would propose that more atheists will know or be able to guess at the answer than Christians will. Why is that? This is the kind of information that exposes Christianity as just another of many religions. It's one of many kinds of facts that might give some Christians pause, as well it should. It's the kind of thing your minister probably hopes you don't know. It's not proof that Jesus didn't exist; it's just another bit of trivia that puts Christianity in perspective.

So what do they have in common? They were all born of virgins. Some of their virgin mothers were inseminated by gods, some by bright lights, some by a shower of gold, some by placing some object to their bosom - you get the picture. None of them got pregnant in what we might consider the traditional way.

I think it's just something you should know.

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